Out! And now for real independence

Here you can read news from the CPBML about the progress and challenges of working class control in the fight for real independence for Britain, and follow links to other pieces with valuable information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.

Chaos and cost ahead as EU looks for more money

11 May 2020

Coronavirus is tearing the EU apart. The European Commission has a plan to grab money from members, and which threatens Britain with unknown extra costs if the Brexit transition is extended.

Not another day under the EU thumb

16 April 2020

The government must not surrender to the siren song that Covid-19 has made Brexit impossible. On the contrary, the epidemic has made leaving the EU even more urgent.

Fake news? They're having a laugh

2 April 2020

Looking for light relief in this grim situation? Then take a look at the latest publication from the European Union’s External Action Service.

Brexit means Brussels, says EU

27 March 2020

Nearly four years after the Brexit referendum, the EU is still clinging to the hope that it can keep control of Britain away from the British people, according to a leaked document.

Outrage as Metro trains outsourced to Switzerland

1 February 2020

Manufacturing union Unite has slammed the government over its commitment to British train manufacturing after a £337 milion contract for new Tyne & Wear metro trains was been awarded to a Swiss company.

If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well

1 February 2020

Leaving the EU is some job, and like any job, if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. And we intend to do it wholeheartedly. Celebrate, be optimistic – but stay vigilant and be ready for the hard work to come.

How to deal with the EU over fishing

23 January 2020

Fishing for Leave has set out the perfect strategy for dealing with the EU’s “self-entitled and belligerent demand to continue its fleet’s unhindered exploitation of British waters”.

Brexit: from ideas to action - Manchester

Thursday 13 February 2020 19:30 to 21:30

Manchester, Thursday 13 February, 7.30 pm

A special discussion event, Upstairs meeting room, The Britons Protection, 50 Great Bridgewater Street M1 4GX

We cannot rely on politicians to keep Brexit on track. Coming after the General Election, this event will be different from the usual CPBML public meetings. It will be designed to maximise discussion and participation from the audience, and come up with ideas for action. Free entry.