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What we stand for

Some key documents illustrating the line of the Party


Real Control for Real Independence

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 19th Congress, London, November 2021. 

Britain is out of the European Union. It is an immense achievement, a victory won despite the united opposition of the establishment. Now a new fight faces the working class: real independence.  Read more…

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British Independence and the Working Class

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 18th Congress, London, November 2018. 

A new, epic struggle is defining our times, shaping the fight between the two contending classes. It is a new form of national liberation, centred on sovereignty and control over our material and intellectual resources, and it is worldwide. Waging that war, winning that war, will become a condition of survival for workers in every coun try.  Read more…

Also available as a PDF.


No advance without Marxism

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 17th Congress, London, November 2015. 

There can be no advance without Marxism, because Marx showed that only the eventual victory of the exploited class, the working class, represents a real future. Capitalism means only destruction and war.  Here in Britain, we need our own unique vision of a working class future in order to fight and win in the present.  Read more…

Also available as a PDF.


Britain and the World

International statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 17th Congress, London, November 2015. 

Our world is in flames, and the threat of war is real. Who is for war? Who is for peace? What of the working class?

Also available as a PDF.


16th Congress - Calls to Action

The Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) held its 16th Congress in late 2012, a coming together of the Party to consider the state of Britain and what needs to happen in the future.

It was then 44 years since the Party was formed, and 41 years since, at its Second Congress, the Party produced its programme, The British Working Class and Its Party. It outlined the thinking of a political party of a new type, a thoroughly British Marxist party. All subsequent Congresses have confirmed the ideas of the programme, using them as the basis for developing our thought for the changing times.

At our 16th Congress, the Party adopted a number of Calls to Action for the British working class. Read more...


    Change Britain - Embrace Your Party

    Political statement from the Communist Party, 15th Congress, London, November 2009

    Our 15th Congress is timely with events in Britain and around the world unfolding extremely rapidly. The British government and the capitalist class internationally want us to believe that the working class cannot change anything, everything is beyond our control. We think differently. Read more...


    The Future is Ours

    Political statement adopted at the 14th Congress of the CPBML, London 2006

    At the previous congress (see below) the Party laid out an analysis of the state of Britain and the class which has been utterly borne out by events. The questions for us to consider now are: Where do we go from here? What has changed? How do we strike out for a future? Read more...


    Principles for Progress

    A statement from our 13th Congress, published in 2004. Any worker reflecting on events today will see unbridled US aggression, record job losses in Britain's manufacturing base, chaos in our schools and hospitals, the further undermining of our sovereignty by unceasing European Union integration. This Party considers these problems in the light of these key principles... Read more...


      Peace, Jobs, Power

      Political statement adopted at the 13th Congress of the CPBML in April 2003

      The situation facing workers in Britain today is as grave as at any time in our history. Capitalism, the social system which replaced feudalism, was born here, and now, five hundred years later, is dying before our eyes. British workers made Britain the workshop of the world, and made capitalism seem synonymous with manufacture. That capitalism is now in terminal decay, unable to feed, clothe, house, provide work for or meet the needs of the people of this country. From seeming synonymous with manufacture, capital is now its antithesis. Read more...


      Class, Country and Control

      On May Day 1997 the British working class uprooted the political power we had vested in Thatcher. Where have we come since then...and where are we going? This document was adopted at the Reconvened 12th Congress of the CPB(ML), October 2000. Read more...

      Also available as PDF (708K)


      The British Working Class and Its Party

      The British Working Class and Its Party has been for almost 50 years the programme of the CPBML. It was adopted at our Second Congress, in 1971. It has been supplemented over the years by a number of documents, but the basic principles remain. It is prefaced by comments written at the time by our founding Chairman, Reg Birch, and with an updated introduction written in January 2001. Read more...

      Also available as a PDF
