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Our next regular London public meeting will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday 5 March in Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, WC1R 4RL. The topic is Food for the People, details below.

Join in with the CPBML to celebrate May Day: we are holding events in London and other cities around the country with the title Politics is not parliament: it’s on us, the working class. Rebuild Britain! Look out for dates and full details coming soon.

We hold discussion meetings and study sessions online, via Zoom. Discussion meetings are scheduled for 7pm on a Tuesday. The next Zoom meeting will be on 8 April. The topic is British Workers: Strength in Unity. Come along and discuss. Details below.

We will hold occasional informal meetings in the coming year for regular readers of Workers magazine. The next is in Manchester at 2pm on Saturday 8 March. Email info@cpbml.org.uk if you are interested attending.

As well as the Party’s own events, this page occasionally lists others that readers may interested in. To request a listing here, email workers@cpbml.org.uk

This page lists only forthcoming events. Click here for a list of past events.

Food for the People

Wednesday 5 March 2025 19:30
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Wednesday 5 March 2025, 7.30 pm

Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Britain’s farmers have drawn attention to the threat to our food security posed by capitalism. Our land is taken over by speculators and taken out of production. What we eat and how it is produced affects us all.

Come and discuss. All welcome. Free entry.

British Workers: Strength in Unity

Tuesday 8 April 2025 19:00
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Unity between workers is our main strength – we have a common class interest and the ability to make progress when we act together.

But everywhere that unity is under threat. At work, by employers who constantly exploit weakness and lack of cohesion. And across Britain, by a government and ruling class who want to break Britain up into regions and tie us to the USA or again to the EU.

Come and discuss. Email info@cpbml.org.uk for an invitation.
