Our next public meetings are celebrating May Day titled Politics is not parliament: it’s on us, the working class.
Join in with the CPBML on 1 May in London at 7.30pm in Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, WC1R 4RL; in Glasgow at 7pm in the Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP; or in Bristol at 7pm in The Shakespeare, 68 Prince Street, Bristol BS1 4QD. And in Manchester on Saturday 26 April at 2pm in The Rain Bar, 80 Great Bridgewater St, Manchester M1 5JG.
We hold discussion meetings and study sessions online, via Zoom. Discussion meetings are scheduled for 7pm on a Tuesday. The next Zoom meeting will be on 8 April. The topic is British Workers: Strength in Unity. Come along and discuss. Details below.
We hold occasional informal meetings for regular readers of Workers magazine. The next is in Manchester at 2pm on Saturday 8 March. Email info@cpbml.org.uk if you are interested attending or if you would be interested in attending a meeting elsewhere later in the year.
As well as the Party’s own events, this page occasionally lists others that readers may interested in. To request a listing here, email workers@cpbml.org.uk
This page lists only forthcoming events. Click here for a list of past events.