Tuesday 22 September 2015 19:30
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Brockway Hall, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Graphic by Stephen Finn/shutterstock.com
CPBML Public Meeting, Tuesday 22 September, 7.30pm
Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Over the past 70 years, Britain’s ruling class, supported by parliamentary parties of all hues, have sought to enmesh Britain in the European Union.
Their vision of Europe is one of backwardness and the dead ideas of the “freedoms” of capitalism – the freedom to exploit, the freedom to oppress, and the freedom to move capital and labour as they wish.
With the euro in meltdown, come and discuss why Britain can only thrive outside the EU, and what Britain needs to do to retain its integrity, sovereignty and unity as an island of labour. All welcome.