The Berlaymont building in Brussels, headquarters of the unelected European Commission. Photo Workers.
Even before Britain joined the EU in 1973 a mindset had started to develop in the political elite that social progress should be slowed or even reversed. What hitherto had been considered the normal control functions operating within our country should be gradually replaced by an EU apparatus amounting to a hollowed-out democratic façade.
As part of this process, class politics were often submerged by the politics of class division. Honey-coated expressions such as “diversity” and “inclusion” floated to the surface.
‘Essentially the EU has proven to be a utopian fantasy rolled out to hide reactionary intent…’
This political state of suspended animation is now falling apart. As indicated by the election result, its collapse is particularly evident among self-proclaimed “Leftists” (not a label we would use ourselves). They have promoted the EU as a corporate vehicle which they claimed would facilitate the simultaneous growth of socialism in a number of countries.
Here we need a few home truths. Essentially the EU has proven to be a utopian fantasy rolled out to hide reactionary intent. Not only is it impossible for the EU to mimic the socialist processes needed to develop a country, it is designed precisely to prevent that.
Look at the EU’s governing treaties. They have hard-wired the principles of monopoly capitalism, its supremacy over all other claims to priority. They cannot be changed without agreement from every member state. The EU will have to be destroyed first.
The EU harnesses the economic laws of capitalism, the law of the anarchy of market being a prime example, to prevent socialist developments taking place at all – whether in one country or simultaneously in various EU countries. It also wrecks nation states by removing the national structure and long-established border protection that socialism needs in order to develop.
Those who want progress realise that planning must occur at a British national level, and recognise that our currency is an extremely important feature within that process. If a nation state loses its monetary policy, then its control is gone.
The unifying importance of a national currency also explains why the enemies of British workers were so keen to foist the euro onto us. Having failed with that idea, the same EU sock puppets North and South are still united against the idea of an independent Britain.
Although much weakened they are still colluding to arrange the breakup of our country by dividing the British working class into regional tribes arguing against each other. This petty separatism is particularly evident in Scotland.
Of course, post-election the concerns over the Withdrawal Treaty will become readily apparent. But the important point is that the desire for an independent Britain is becoming the main trend.
The next part of this process will be to recognise that the Withdrawal Agreement as it stands is a form of trickery and is not what we want. Imaginative thinking and discussion free of the “we know best” mentality” is needed now.
On the other side of the fence, media coverage of Brexit will continue to push the nonsense that Britain risks missing out on something good and must maintain the strongest possible EU economic ties to avoid being left out in the cold.
Euro failure
All the time the enemies of Brexit will try to ignore the bind the euro is in. It is a failed currency, ruining the economies of EU countries that have adopted it.
To hide its failure, the EU is expected to put extreme pressure on non-Eurozone member states to adopt the euro so that the currency’s underlying debt can be more widely spread.
This EU sees itself as a character out of the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin, where the miller’s daughter spins straw into gold. In reality the EU is just heaping up straw. The desire for an independent Britain is therefore entirely rational.