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Deadly consequences of failure to treat early

28 January 2023

A major study shows that the rush to prevent deaths from Covid-19 raised the risk of dying from the more well known killers of undiagnosed high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Big wins at Luton airport

28 January 2023

Luton airport staff have won a 28 per cent pay rise as union activity in the private sector accelerates. 

Fast track strike

25 January 2023

The pay struggle in the civil service is spreading. PCS members in several departments are striking, other areas are likely to follow.

Devolution dividing Britain

25 January 2023

The government’s drive to divide Britain is gathering pace with a devolution deal for the North East of England, and the second round of “levelling up” funding for councils across the country.

School strikes ahead after big vote for action

20 January 2023

School teachers in England and Wales, members of the National Education Union (NEU), have voted to take industrial action over pay. Strikes, both national and regional, are set to affect 23,000 schools.

Government again fails to put British steel jobs first

13 January 2023

Up to 440 British steel jobs are at risk as the government fails to exploit the opportunities presented by Brexit, fails to deal with massive increase in energy costs to industry, and betrays Britain’s steel workers.

Starmer’s speech – the opposite of taking control

12 January 2023

The Labour Party has made its pitch to win the next general election, due in two years’ time at the latest – by stealing the Conservative party’s slogan for the 2016 referendum and 2019 election, Take Back Control, and reinterpreting it.

Map reveals scale of sewage dumping...in real time

7 January 2023

After growing pressure from campaigners and the public, England’s biggest water company has created what it calls a “near real-time” interactive map – showing the scale of its sewage dumping.

