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Hacking threatens health

25 June 2024

A cyberattack on outsourced testing services in London has significantly affected patients. Resources for IT security do not match the risks of future attacks.

Rolls-Royce pay fight

3 June 2024

Rolls-Royce workers have overwhelmingly rejected the latest pay offer. Despite improving results the company is proving intransigent, and trying to create division among its workforce.

Junior doctors to strike before election

30 May 2024

The junior doctors’ long-running pay dispute is still not resolved. In the absence of a credible offer they are returning to strike action ahead of the general election.

Union says no to a ban on oil exploration

30 May 2024

The Unite trade union has launched a major campaign against a ban on oil and gas exploration in the North Sea. It says a transition in energy supply should not sacrifice energy security and workers’ jobs for net zero targets.

Steel – fight for Port Talbot jobs

30 May 2024

The fight for the future of Britain’s steel industry is focused on Port Talbot. Workers are threatening to strike over Tata’s rejection of their alternative plans to retain jobs and integrated production.

Up for the Cup – but no more replays

22 April 2024

The FA wants to drop cup ties replays. Like the European Super League it’s an example of how capitalism invades and spoils if left to its own devices.

Nonsense in court ruling on climate

15 April 2024

A ruling by the ECHR finding Switzerland guilty of failing to reduce emission targets represents a big threat to national sovereignty. More claims are sure to follow.

Opposing wind power dogma in Wales

10 April 2024

The devolved government in Wales continues to approve ever larger wind turbines despite objections in pursuit of its dogmatic net zero path. But there is opposition.

Onshore wind compulsion

10 April 2024

Onshore wind farms are not the answer to Britain’s energy security, but politicians seem to think compulsion will bring people round to accepting them.

Migration: more visas issued to stay in Britain

29 March 2024

Most immigration to Britain is by legal routes, the result of long term government policy. The number of visas continues to rise, which will contribute to a rapid rise in Britain’s population.

Two years on – still fighting P&O sackings

27 March 2024

Protests continue against the notorious P&O Ferries sackings two years ago. Unions are calling for changes to prevent any repeat, but the government isn’t taking effective action.

Doctors in Wales strike for pay

27 March 2024

Pay for doctors in Wales is not resolved. They are striking again against the derisory offer from the devolved government, not accepting its plea that is all it can afford.

Longer waits for GPs – we need more doctors

10 March 2024

It is harder than ever to get an appointment with a GP within a reasonable time. One reason is that we are short of doctors, but the government is doing nothing effective about that.

Batteries – fresh start in the South West

6 March 2024

The promise of massive investment in battery production for electric vehicles has yet to materialise in Britain. But it looks as if Tata are now committed to a plant in Somerset.

Overground pay rise

4 March 2024

Rail workers in London have won a significant backdated pay rise from their employer, Arriva. The dispute was settled only after the threat of strike action.

