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Land grab opposed

26 August 2024

A proposed development in Warwickshire has provoked a challenge to the government’s ideas on planning and development. Villagers in Ansty are opposing a massive warehousing scheme proposed on adjacent green belt land.

Courts undermine oil

26 August 2024

The Labour government is using a court decision in June to justify its opposition to oil and gas production, threatening Britain’s energy security and industry.

No guarantees on Tata Steel

17 July 2024

The new government has given no guarantees on the future of Tata Steel in Port Talbot. Trade unions had hopes of a positive outcome after the election, but still face job losses.

Labour on the war path

11 July 2024

Despite claiming to be a government of change, Labour continues to support NATO and overseas aggression. If anything, they are escalating the conflict in Ukraine.

Doctors progress with focus on pay

10 July 2024

Doctors have kept their focus on pay, making significant progress. They have not been diverted by the change of government; settlement for junior hospital doctors in England is a priority.

