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Tube disputes escalate

9 June 2022

The tube in London was shut down on 6 June by ongoing disputes with tube workers. Station and revenue control staff were on strike against job cuts and attacks on their pensions.

The cost of fishing

1 June 2022

In April a memorial was unveiled in the Sussex port of Newhaven to fishermen who lost their lives off the Sussex coast.

Cuba battles against US social media subversion

27 May 2022

Elizabeth Ribalta Rubiero of The Cuban Friendship Institute is visiting Britain to give an update about the situation in Cuba as the country emerges from the coronavirus pandemic, with the 60-year US blockade still in place.

Fish take away

18 May 2022

Fish and chips, once an affordable take-away meal, is becoming more and more expensive, underlining what’s wrong with Britain’s food policy.

Maternity wards close in Wales

17 May 2022

Expectant mothers in South Wales face uncertainty about midwifery services. Fine words from the health board aren't going to help.

