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Supermarket wars: betting on a falling market

2 February 2016

In a classic case of dog-eat-dog capitalism, supermarket chain Sainsbury’s has made a £1.3 billion takeover bid for Home Retail Group, which owns Homebase and high-street retailers Argos.



Unions mull local government pay offer

21 January 2016

Unison, Unite and GMB are now consulting their members over the Local Government Association’s two-year pay offer of 1 per cent a year. Once again, rhetoric is outpacing reality.

Government cuts trade union education

15 January 2016

By August 2016 government funding for trade union education via the TUC will be slashed by half. By August 2017 all the funding will probably have gone. It is time for unions to grasp the nettle.

Valentine's stunt put up against Trade Union Bill

13 January 2016

The Trade Union Bill passed its second reading in the Lords on 11 January. In the face of a seemingly inexorable journey towards the Bill becoming an Act, the TUC’s response is a tepid Valentine’s stunt.

Fresh attack on local government pensions

13 January 2016

The Centre for Policy Studies, regarded by the late Margaret Thatcher as her favourite think tank, has produced the blueprint for the next government attack on the Local Government Pension Scheme.

Doctors on the picket lines

12 January 2016

As junior doctors embarked on their first day of strike action against the government’s proposed new contract, CPBML News visited picket lines in London and Yorkshire.

