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Afghanistan – one woman's positivity

22 September 2021

Tucked away in the columns of the Daily Telegraph on 15 September, though not widely reported elsewhere, was a little gem of a story about one woman in Afghanistan and her determination to be optimistic.

Still no plan for energy

22 September 2021

This government’s refusal to plan for Britain to be self-reliant in energy has produced a crisis of soaring prices, disrupted gas supplies and domestic steel and other essential manufacturing output compromised.

AUKUS: the path to war

18 September 2021

The USA, Britain and Australia announced a new security pact on 15 September. Known as AUKUS, it is intended to set the direction and focus of Britain’s foreign and security policy for the long term.

ScotRail: SNP bluster

11 September 2021

The rail union RMT is defending rail services and attacks on its members in Scotland from the train operating company and the hostile SNP government.

1951: the Festival of Britain

25 August 2021

Post-war Britain was beset by problems. For the majority of people, life was hard and difficult. The 1951 Festival of Britain was an antidote, looking to the future. It was immensely enjoyed and appreciated by the millions who attended.

