19 October 2014

Standoff in Hong Kong. Photo Lewis Tse Pui Lung/shutterstock.com
For weeks now so-called “pro-democracy” demonstrators have marched, blockaded streets, surrounded government buildings and sought to occupy central areas of Hong Kong, baiting the security services. The demonstrators claim they are campaigning against how the Hong Kong government are proceeding towards elections in 2017.
Chameleon-like, they have absorbed the language of the “Occupy” protests originally in Wall Street (and elsewhere) against global capitalism, not that they are against global capitalism. They are for the return of Hong Kong as an independent capitalist statelet, severed from mainland China.
The “pro-democracy” demonstrators, many rooted in the political enemies of communism in China, many who had fled the revolution in China, are like the counter-revolutionaries of Hungary in 1956, or more recently in the Ukraine, not about democracy but about joining their capitalist friends.
They and their backers are yet another false flag operation, with friends in London and Washington aiming to destabilise China. Whatever the criticisms of China – and there are many: its revisionism, its dabbling with capitalism and so forth – capitalism has yet to reconquer China as fully as it would wish.
The counter-revolutionaries in Hong Kong are stooges for those who would like to see the victory of 1949 rolled back, who would like to see China dismembered and warlordism and division re-established.
We should be clear: the problems in Hong Kong are solely for China to resolve. Britain has no right to intervene or comment. Similarly Britain, in particularly London, does not need an influx of more very wealthy Hong Kong citizens to swell the growing ghettoes of rich émigrés in London.