23 August 2022

The Scottish Daily Record building at Central Quay, Glasgow. Photo Finlay McWalter (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Around 1,000 journalists across Britain and Ireland start four days of strike action on Friday 26 August. The journalists voted to strike with a majority of over 80 per cent after being offered a paltry 3 per cent pay rise, on top of a mere 1 per cent rise last year.
Further strike dates have been set for 21 August, 14 September and 15 September. In addition, the journalists will work to rule from 31 August to 13 September. Pickeet lines will be out at 10 locations in Britain and two in Ireland.
Reach titles include the Daily Express, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, Western Mail, the Irish Star and a string of online sites and local newspapers.
This national strike by more than 1,000 journalists at Reach is unprecedented in the company’s history, said Chris Morley, national Reach coordinator for the National Union of Journalists.
“The NUJ is ready and willing to achieve a negotiated settlement. But for that to happen, the company will need to understand that our members are prepared to stand up and be counted and are not willing to merely accept the crumbs off the millionaires’ table,” said Morley.
The NUJ members have seen Reach’s top two executives receive pay packages of £7 million,
and a £14 million half-year dividend go to shareholders.