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Scotland: Energy surrender

20 December 2021

In the latest abandonment of energy sources in Scotland, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pressed the button to blow up the chimney of Longannet power station on 9 December.

London Transport: the big battle begins

15 December 2021

London Transport union RMT has begun balloting over 10,000 members after Transport for London refused to give assurances on jobs, pensions and conditions in the midst of an ongoing financial crisis driven by central government. 

Save the capital's transport!

15 December 2021

The planned government assault on the London’s transport system demands above all a collective response, and not just from transport unions.

Sheffield refuse workers pay victory

29 November 2021

Refuse workers in Sheffield working for Veolia have won an important victory on pay at a time when real wages are being hit by increased inflation.

Inflation and pay

28 November 2021

Inflation is at its highest in a decade and prices continue to rise. Trade unions are beginning to respond, but there’s opportunity for doing more.

Social care – still at risk

28 November 2021

Social care is far from fixed. Sector trade union Unison reports dangerous staffing levels and many care workers thinking of leaving. The long delayed funding question needs urgent attention too.

