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Sport billionaires welcome

No sooner is the World Cup a mere dot on television screens than Boris Johnson, soon to be forgotten Mayor of London, is jostling for space in the sporting arena by promoting Formula One racing on London’s streets.

Pit faces early shutdown

The withdrawal of Hargreaves  Services from the funding package to keep Kellingley pit in West Yorkshire open for a further two years of managed closure has brought to the fore the prospect of an early shutdown.

Positive thinking

Sometimes it seems as if opposition to capitalism remains just that – opposition. Are we so mired in the trenches that we cannot lift our sights and think not about opposing their plans but proposing our own?

Iraq: tragedy and farce

Karl Marx famously wrote that history repeats itself – the first time as tragedy, then as farce. That sums up the contortions that the US is twisting itself into over Iraq, shabbily abetted by Cameron.

