Fast track strike
25 January 2023
The pay struggle in the civil service is spreading. PCS members in several departments are striking, other areas are likely to follow.
25 January 2023
The pay struggle in the civil service is spreading. PCS members in several departments are striking, other areas are likely to follow.
10 December 2022
Government workers across several areas will be on strike this month for better pay. After years of pay restraint they have decided that they have little choice but to act.
23 April 2022
Civil servants have strongly criticised the government for capping pay rises when the cost of living is rocketing. Trade unions are tacking stock on their response.
26 February 2016
Downing Street has imposed rules to prevent civil servants and special advisers from assisting ministers campaigning for Britain to leave the EU.
6 March 2015
In a further extension of goverment attacks on trade unionism in the Civil Service, the Ministry of Justice says it will no longer collect members’ subscriptions as part of the payroll function.