Not left or right - but for British workers
Communists aim to unite workers, those who live by selling their labour power.
Communists aim to unite workers, those who live by selling their labour power.
100 Years after the Bolshevik Revolution
CPBML Public Meeting, Thursday 16 November, 6.30 pm [NB: change of time]
Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
In 1917 the workers and peasants of Russia changed the course of history. A century on, the ideas and thought that it inspired are still changing the world. Come and discuss. All welcome.
24 August 2017
On 16 October 1934, about 100,000 men and women in China’s Red Army broke out of their surrounded soviet base. Their extraordinary year-long march to the other end of China changed not only the balance of forces in China but also the world.
29 April 2015
Something interesting has occurred with the Bookseller list of current bestsellers. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels is a new entry into the top ten list of general paperbacks.