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The politics of Hong Kong protest

19 October 2014

The so-called “pro-democracy” demonstrators seeking to occupy central areas of Hong Kong are for the return of Hong Kong as an independent capitalist statelet, severed from mainland China.

Union organisation answer to benefits freeze

17 October 2014

Chancellor Osborne told the Tory conference in Birmingham he will freeze working-age benefits re-elected. The consequences might – and should – be a rise in trade union organisation.

More doublespeak over TTIP

17 October 2014

On 9 October the European Union released the text of its “negotiating mandate” for the TTIP – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership treaty that it is negotiating with the European Union. Perhaps inadvertently, it includes one telling admission.

Midwife anger over private ads

15 October 2014

Adverts for private care displayed at maternity units are outraging midwives. On the picket line at an east London hospital, one midwife explained why.

Survey reveals scale of teacher workload

15 October 2014

Excessive workload has driven nine out of every ten of teachers to consider giving up teaching during the past two years, according to an online survey carried out by the National Union of Teachers.

SNP threat to bypass referendum result

9 October 2014

SNP leader Alex Salmond promised on 19 September to accept the referendum result and he urged Yes supporters to do the same. He at once broke this promise.

