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Truss beats the drums of war

10 October 2022

Instead of increasing Britain’s security Liz Truss is making the world a less safe place by leading Europe in arming Ukraine, training their soldiers and leading sanctions against Russia, with the defeat of Putin at the top of her list.

Nurses: a call to arms

9 October 2022

Nurses are considering industrial action on pay. It is time for those of us outside the NHS to stop clapping and hear the call to arms.

Liverpool dock strike enters second phase

7 October 2022

Over 560 dockers at the Port of Liverpool have just completed the first two-week planned phase of their strike action over pay and conditions. Now more workers are set to join in with fresh action from 11 to 17 October.

Barristers ballot on new offer

6 October 2022

With criminal barristers ramping up their industrial action to all-out strike from the start of September, the government has made an improved offer to try to get the courts back to work in England and Wales.

Carelessness and contempt

5 October 2022

During the past couple of weeks the government’s contempt towards its two main domestic creditors – the pension funds and the Bank of England nearly brought about a new, devastating collapse. 

Call this control? A budget for decline

26 September 2022

The new government’s economic policies continue those of the past – with a belief in capitalism as the only possible economic system, whose crises must be paid for by the people of Britain.

Making an honest living

As a nation, there are really only two ways for Britain to make a living. It can be an honest one as a manufacturing nation making things that people need. Or it can be a parasitic existence, relying on banking and tourism, and buying in what we need.

