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Energy – capitalist failures

16 May 2022

Deregulation of energy supply is a costly failure for British consumers. But some of those responsible for the failed businesses just walk away and start up new ones.

Private school pension action wins

16 May 2022

Teachers in independent schools have taken successful industrial action in thier fight to stay in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. Employers argued they could no longer afford increased contributions.

British military aid floods into Ukraine

3 May 2022

Arms continue to pour into Ukraine and bordering countries – and Britain is one of the biggest suppliers, though the government is evasive when challenged for details.

Strike ballot at Richmond college

2 May 2022

Lecturers at Richmond upon Thames College are balloting over strike action over the employer’s plan to fire them all and offer re-engagment on worse terms.

What is the working class?

Back in the nineteenth century Karl Marx wrote that society was dividing into two great hostile classes: the workers, and those who live from exploiting the labour of others. It’s a perfect description of Britain today…

