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Past Events

What is the working class?

Tuesday 22 March 2022 19:30


This meeeting is in-person! Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL.

Tuesday 22 March. 7.30pm.

The working class is changing. But does that mean the fundamentals of class have changed?

Come and discuss. All welcome. Free entry.

How to protect the environment (and why the EU makes things worse)

Tuesday 3 March 2020 19:30 to 21:00

London, Tuesday 3 March 2020, 7.30 pm

A CPBML public meeting in the Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL.  

We are often told we must stay in the EU “to protect our environmental rights”. And yet we constantly read that the environment has grown worse over the past few decades – when Britain was a member of the EU. Both refrains cannot be right. Come and hear an independent approach to the environment in a lively talk – and then join in the discussion. Free entry.

Brexit: from ideas to action - Manchester

Thursday 13 February 2020 19:30 to 21:30

Manchester, Thursday 13 February, 7.30 pm

A special discussion event, Upstairs meeting room, The Britons Protection, 50 Great Bridgewater Street M1 4GX

We cannot rely on politicians to keep Brexit on track. Coming after the General Election, this event will be different from the usual CPBML public meetings. It will be designed to maximise discussion and participation from the audience, and come up with ideas for action. Free entry.

