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Past Events

Brexit 2019: Seize control!

Tuesday 12 February 2019 19:30

CPBML/Workers Public Meeting, Tuesday 12 February, 7.30 pm

Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

We voted to take control, to take responsibility. Now we must make our demand loud and clear again, force them to carry out what they undertook to do – and make it clear that whatever happens we will not give up.

Brexit: The road to freedom

Wednesday 17 October 2018 19:30

CPBML/Workers Public Meeting, Wednesday 17 October, 7.30 pm

Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Britain has a skilled and literate workforce, an exceptional research base and abundant energy resources. Free from the shackles of the EU, what can we not achieve? Come and discuss. All welcome.

Honour the Vote

Wednesday 26 September 2018 19:00

Wednesday 26 September, 7pm

Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton BN1 1AF

Organised through Invoke Democracy Now. Tickets (£2 to £3) available via Eventbrite.

Is Britain going to leave the EU in name only? This meeting aims to rally democrats to defend democracy and uphold the democratic mandate to leave the EU.

Brexit: Stop the Sabotage!

Tuesday 17 July 2018 19:30

CPBML Public Meeting, Tuesday 17 July, 7.30 pm [NB: change of date]

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Brexit is in danger. Across the establishment, in the Commons and the Lords, those who wish to defy the democratic mandate of the EU referendum are turning from obstruction to sabotage. They will do anything to keep Britain in the EU. And they must be stopped. Come and discuss. All welcome.

Stop the EU War Machine!

Tuesday 20 February 2018 18:30

CPBML Public Meeting, Tuesday 20 February, 6.30 pm [note time]

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

During the referendum campaign anyone who mentioned the development of a European army and a common defence policy was dismissed by the establishment as a fantasist. Now everything is out in the open – and it's taking shape in front of our very eyes. Come and discuss. All welcome.

100 Years after the Bolshevik Revolution

Thursday 16 November 2017 18:30

CPBML Public Meeting, Thursday 16 November, 6.30 pm [NB: change of time]

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

In 1917 the workers and peasants of Russia changed the course of history. A century on, the ideas and thought that it inspired are still changing the world. Come and discuss. All welcome.

House the People

Thursday 28 September 2017 19:30

CPBML Public Meeting, Thursday 28 September, 7.30pm

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Housing in Britain is broken. Instead of filling a need, it is an investment from which huge profits can be made by taking advantage of the acute rise in demand. Meanwhile, council housing is left to rot – with deadly consequences. Come and discuss. All welcome.

For an independent and self-reliant Britain

Thursday 1 June 2017 19:30

CPBML Public Meeting, Thursday 1 June, 7.30pm

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Since Article 50 was invoked it is even clearer that there are only two possible outcomes. Britain must strike out for self-reliance, real independence, real sovereignty, or be dragged back into the EU’s coercive rule. What does this mean for us? Come and discuss. All welcome.

