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Cuba battles against US social media subversion

27 May 2022

Elizabeth Ribalta Rubiero of The Cuban Friendship Institute is visiting Britain to give an update about the situation in Cuba as the country emerges from the coronavirus pandemic, with the 60-year US blockade still in place.

Fish take away

18 May 2022

Fish and chips, once an affordable take-away meal, is becoming more and more expensive, underlining what’s wrong with Britain’s food policy.

Maternity wards close in Wales

17 May 2022

Expectant mothers in South Wales face uncertainty about midwifery services. Fine words from the health board aren't going to help.

Energy – capitalist failures

16 May 2022

Deregulation of energy supply is a costly failure for British consumers. But some of those responsible for the failed businesses just walk away and start up new ones.

Private school pension action wins

16 May 2022

Teachers in independent schools have taken successful industrial action in thier fight to stay in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. Employers argued they could no longer afford increased contributions.

British military aid floods into Ukraine

3 May 2022

Arms continue to pour into Ukraine and bordering countries – and Britain is one of the biggest suppliers, though the government is evasive when challenged for details.

Strike ballot at Richmond college

2 May 2022

Lecturers at Richmond upon Thames College are balloting over strike action over the employer’s plan to fire them all and offer re-engagment on worse terms.

Civil Service pay - little cheer

23 April 2022

Civil servants have strongly criticised the government for capping pay rises when the cost of living is rocketing. Trade unions are tacking stock on their response.

Energy for the future – maybe

23 April 2022

The government’s new energy includes a commitment to a mixture of energy sources. But the energy challenge for Britain will worsen unless the positive aspects of this policy are implemented.

P&O – ferry workers rally to the fight

21 April 2022

Trade unions representing workers sacked by P&O Ferries continue their fight the sackings with a series of rallies at ports around the country and outside the offices of P&O’s Dubai-owned parent company.

Industrial action at the Bar [updated]

28 March 2022

Barristers began industrial action on 11 April over criminal legal aid fees after the government has delayed implementing the recommendations of an independent review.

Energy price rally forced to cancel

19 March 2022

A campaign set up to demand a referendum on the government’s rush to enforce net zero policies on Britain has had to cancel a planned rally in Bolton due to threats and intimidation. 

P&O Ferries: stand and fight is the only option

19 March 2022

P&O Ferries sacked 800 British crew from its ferries on Wednesday 17 March. The response from workers was immediate and clear. Demonstrations are happening around British ports. Unions are taking the fight to the company.

Barts NHS victory reverses outsourcing

7 March 2022

London health workers have won a significant victory against outsourcing. Facilities management workers at Barts Health NHS Trust, but employed by Serco, will re-join the NHS.

