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Sheffield refuse workers pay victory

29 November 2021

Refuse workers in Sheffield working for Veolia have won an important victory on pay at a time when real wages are being hit by increased inflation.

Social care – still at risk

28 November 2021

Social care is far from fixed. Sector trade union Unison reports dangerous staffing levels and many care workers thinking of leaving. The long delayed funding question needs urgent attention too.

HS2 – The Great Northern Train Robbery

24 November 2021

Boris Johnson’s decision to scrap vital parts of HS2 and other key rail investment in the north of England met with angry criticism from trade unions and many others.

Rolls-Royce: steps to net zero

13 November 2021

With the COP26 climate conference coming to a close Rolls-Royce, Airbus and Shell called for further collaboration to enable the transition of long-haul aviation towards net zero.

Coal still needed in Wales

12 November 2021

The Welsh government is trying to close Aberpergwm colliery, the only anthracite mine in Europe. Its "net zero" dogma also puts the Port Talbot steel plant at risk.

Most primary schools lack a library, says report

3 November 2021

A report from the National Literacy Trust reveals that one in eight primary schools in England do not have a library – despite the proven link between school library provision and literacy levels. 

Swiss to vote on nursing self-sufficiency

27 October 2021

The Swiss Nurses’ Association, backed by doctors and patients’ organisations and the country’s trade union confederation, has forced a national referendum on nurse training and pay and conditions.

Refinery workers vote for action on pay and pensions

7 October 2021

Essar has picked a dispute at Stanlow refinery during a petrol panic, trying to go back on a pay deal and worsen pensions – provoking a furious and united response from the refinery workers, members of the Unite union.

Afghanistan – one woman's positivity

22 September 2021

Tucked away in the columns of the Daily Telegraph on 15 September, though not widely reported elsewhere, was a little gem of a story about one woman in Afghanistan and her determination to be optimistic.

Still no plan for energy

22 September 2021

This government’s refusal to plan for Britain to be self-reliant in energy has produced a crisis of soaring prices, disrupted gas supplies and domestic steel and other essential manufacturing output compromised.

ScotRail: SNP bluster

11 September 2021

The rail union RMT is defending rail services and attacks on its members in Scotland from the train operating company and the hostile SNP government.

