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Who needs the private sector?

7 February 2015

A fascinating book studies the respective roles of the state and private enterprise in innovation. It challenges the false image that businesses are an innovative force while the state is not, and shows the opposite is closer to the truth.

National Gallery: fighting on

7 February 2015

National Gallery workers were on strike for five days against privatisation proposals. They are part of a wider fight to defend Britain’s cultural heritage.

Health workers to ballot on pay offer

7 February 2015

Unions in the NHS are balloting their members on the pay offer that their industrial action has extracted from a reluctant government. But no one on the union side is claiming victory.

Troika abandoned as EU seeks a way out

3 February 2015

In a graphic illustration of the weakness of the European Union after the Greek election, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has signalled his willingness to end the rule of the “troika”.

ITV unions set for pay battle

26 January 2015

Union members at ITV have agreed to reject the company’s 2 per cent pay offer for 2015 and will move to a ballot for strike action unless the offer is substantially improved.

Theatre workers surveyed on pay

26 January 2015

Workers at more than 200 theatre venues across Britain are taking part in a pay survey for 2015. The initiativeis part of the entertainment and media union BECTU’s preparation for upcoming talks with theatre employers.

Executive pay: All in it together?

25 January 2015

German executive pay has outstripped the level in Britain for the first time. But British directors are doing their best to catch up – to the detriment of the country’s largest companies and their workers.

Brussels in retreat after TTIP consultation

22 January 2015

Last week Brussels finally released the devastating results of its online consultation on investor-to-state dispute settlement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement – and is now struggling to maintain its position.

Unions in crisis meeting over oil prices

17 January 2015

Unions and the offshore body Oil and Gas UK held talks about the future of the industry in Aberdeen on Friday, at the end of a grim week for the industry and those who work in it.

