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Higher education union ballots on 'final' pay offer

16 June 2015

University and College Union members in higher education across Britain are currently being consulted on the “full and final” offer for 2015-16 made to the union by the University and Colleges Employers Association.

Sheffield bakery staff into second day of strike

16 June 2015

Workers in the food industry union BFAWU today enter the second day of their 48-hour strike at Gunstones factory, Sheffield, following the employer’s decision to force through a pay freeze.

Terrorist state removes Cuba from its list

5 June 2015

The US State Department has finally removed Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism  – while newly released documents show that the US shipped arms to al Qaeda and ISIS.

TTIP vote in balance

5 June 2015

With the European Parliament scheduled to meet for an important vote on TTIP on 10 June, MEPs are showing signs of panic and switching positions from day to day – as pressure from the peoples of Europe builds.

Rail strike threat draws new offer

2 June 2015

Planned strikes at Network Rail over pay and conditions this week and next have been called off after the rail operator increased its pay offer to 2 per cent this year.

New figures show scale of production crisis

29 May 2015

The economy grew by just 0.3 per cent in the first quarter of 2015, said the Office for National Statistics on 28 May, confounding – as ever – predictions from City analysts, who had been expecting higher growth.

EU membership: Britain’s choice

29 May 2015

The paper that won the Institute of Economic Affairs’ 2014 Brexit Prize argues that Britain could thrive outside the EU by improving our links with the rest of the world

New Ukrainian laws glorify WW2 fascists

26 May 2015

Seventy years after the defeat of Nazism in the Second World War, the descendants of the treacherous Ukrainian fascists are in power – and seeking revenge.

Globe tour guides prepare fresh action over pay

25 May 2015

Guides at London’s Globe Theatre are preparing for their second day of strike action over pay. The 38 tour guides have been in dispute since 2014, fighting for pay parity with similar prestigious organisations.

