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Workers are thinkers

Nothing is more insulting to the history of working class struggle than the notion, born of ignorance and malevolence, that workers have to be instructed and commanded to do the correct thing. Indeed, according to some of the disconnected, to do anything at all.

Manufacture matters

At the heart of the birth and development of our working class – and hence of the nation itself – is making things, “manufacturing”. Revitalising it, reinvesting in it, is essential for the health and strength of both our class and nation. 

Change Britain – Embrace Your Party

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 15th Congress, London, November 2009. The British government and the capitalist class internationally want us to believe that the working class cannot change anything, everything is beyond our control. We think differently.


As thinking beings we always try and make sense of the world around us. Dialectics is the tool for appreciating the inner workings of things, events, phenomena, but more importantly, how they change.

Fighting fascism

It is a fact that the only force to defeat fascism is the organised working class. Sometimes in a particular country, as in Britain prior to the Second World War when Mosley was broken, orr internationally – as in the Second World War, when the forces of progress epitomised in the Red Army cleared Europe.

Workers’ nationalism

Britain is composed overwhelmingly of the British working class in all its diversity. Workers are the nation, though the nation is not yet for the working class, nor do all workers yet recognise that their class constitutes the nation.

Unity not devolution

The Communist Party of Britain is for the unity of Britain and against devolution and the fragmentation of a working class.  That unity has been the basis for progress. Now we are under sustained attack from the European Union.

