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Royal Mail pay settled

25 April 2023

Postal delivery workers have settled their lengthy pay struggle. Their union, CWU, will put the agreement to members. Separately, Post Office counter workers have settled their own dispute.

Census data concern

25 April 2023

The census should be a valuable source of data for national planning. But there are serious questions about the validity of the latest results.

Woolwich Ferry workers steam to big victory

30 March 2023

Workers on the Woolwich ferry services across the River Thames have won a hard-fought victory in a struggle which started with the now discredited Briggs Marine, and continued with Transport for London when it took over in January 2021.

What is Internationalism?

18 March 2023

Control over borders is the best way for a country to develop its economy and benefit its people. Such self-determination and independence serve the cause of workers everywhere.


17 March 2023

A new statement on the fundamental approach of the Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) – to class, country, independence and control.

NHS pay victory

16 March 2023

NHS workers have achieved a signal victory in their pay campaign. The improved offerwill be put to members by their unions with a recommendation to accept.

BBC journalists strike for local future

13 March 2023

BBC journalists are starting industrial action in defence of their jobs and their local stations. They have called a 24-hour strike on Wednesday 15 March, Budget Day, followed by a work to rule.

BBC Singers sacked – and reprieved

13 March 2023

Musicians, concert goers and radio listeners have united to condemn the BBC’s decision to close the BBC Singers as part of a plan to cut 20 per cent of jobs in BBC orchestras and music ensembles.

