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Inflation, capital and labour

22 June 2023

Inflation as a result of government policy since 2008 has now worked through to consumer prices. The underlying economics of inflation are the result of a poor bargain between capitalists and wage-earners.

1943: The battle of Kursk

20 June 2023

Raging ferociously from July to August 1943, Kursk was the most decisive battle of the Second World War, crucially transforming anti-fascist fortunes.

Doctors in dispute

14 June 2023

Junior doctors in England are on strike again in June in support of their pay campaign, but talks have been unproductive so far. Consultants also take action next month.

GSK pay dispute escalates

11 June 2023

GSK workers are to escalate strike action in their pay dispute. They have turned down a below inflation pay offer; the company admits it can afford to pay more.

