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The mirage of universal basic income

7 June 2023

The idea of a universal basic income does not stand up to close examination and offers nothing for workers. The latest proposals are no different.

Universal Basic Income - no solution

20 May 2021

A universal basic income sounds nice and fair, but behind the superficial attractiveness is the flawed concept that the future for our society will not involve productive work for all.

Them and us

Unemployment benefits account for just 4 per cent of Britain’s welfare budget. But 75 per cent of us thought that they account for 40 per cent or more. Myths have consequences. Playing on such false belief makes it easier to justify cutting the welfare budget.

Union organisation answer to benefits freeze

17 October 2014

Chancellor Osborne told the Tory conference in Birmingham he will freeze working-age benefits re-elected. The consequences might – and should – be a rise in trade union organisation.
