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Peace, Jobs, Power

Political statement from the 13th Congress of the CPBML, London, 21/22 April 2003. Capitalism is now in terminal decay, unable to feed, clothe, house, provide work for or meet the needs of the people of this country. From seeming synonymous with manufacture, capital is now its antithesis.

Peace, Jobs, Power

Political statement from the 13th Congress of the CPBML, London, 21/22 April 2003. Capitalism is now in terminal decay, unable to feed, clothe, house, provide work for or meet the needs of the people of this country. From seeming synonymous with manufacture, capital is now its antithesis.

The British Working Class and its Party

1 May 1969

The document agreed in 1971 at the Party's second Congress, was adopted subsequently as its programme. It has remained so ever since, unchanged, because its fundamental tenets are as true and important today as they were then. Includes the original preface by Reg Birch, and a new one written in 2001. 

