Not left or right - but for British workers
Communists aim to unite workers, those who live by selling their labour power.
Communists aim to unite workers, those who live by selling their labour power.
Immigration, class and nation
Saturday 30 November, 2pm
Britons Protection, 50 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester M1 5LE
For decades British governments have encouraged massively increased immigration, and have ignored what workers think about that.
Not only is this an economic attack, but it is fostering divisions between workers at a time when they need unity.
Come and discuss. All welcome. Free entry.
The massive increase in immigration – both legal and illegal – has formed a constant background to events in Britain for over two decades. This is no accident.
A snapshot of the condition of our country shows the scale of the problem facing us and also suggests a path to return Britain to progress…
4 July 2024
The way forward for Britain and its people is in working class action. Now is the time to take control.
These are critical times for the working class and for Britain. Our fight is here, and no election changes that.
Whatever result we wake up to, the tasks for our class will still be the same. Workers have nothing to gain from a change of party in government.
Reject the election trap, prepare for struggle!
Workers looking for change will not find it from the general election. Whatever the result, the tasks for our class will be the same.
Workers are the only force for progress: accept that challenge and prepare to fight for it.
Come and discuss. Email for an invitation.
24 May 2024
Workers looking for change will not find it from the general election. Whatever the result, the tasks for our class will be the same. Workers are the only force for progress: accept that challenge and prepare to fight for it.
May Day is a day to remember the power of the working class to transform the world. In 2024 we must assert that power to shape a future for Britain.
May Day 2024: Stop the drive to war! Build a new Britain! Bristol
Wednesday 1 May, 6pm - 9pm
The Golden Guinea Function Room, 19 Guinea Street, Bristol BS1 6SX
Click here for details.
May Day 2024: Stop the drive to war! Build a new Britain! Manchester
Saturday 4 May, 2pm
Upstairs at The Britons Protection, 50 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester M1 5LE
Click here for details.
May Day 2024: Stop the drive to war! Build a new Britain!
Wednesday 1 May 7.30 pm
Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Celebrate May Day and join the discussion about how the working class of Britain can build a new Britain as the drive to war intensifies.
All welcome. Free entry.
A short twelve months ago NHS workers and their unions were deep in preparation for what everyone knew was going to be a major battle on that most central of issues, pay and conditions.
8 September 2023
We received this letter from a Workers reader in east London about a recent shopping trip. Although it was a novel experience, this may be happening around Britain more often than we realise. The challenge is how not let this go to waste – to act and not just grumble.
The resurgence in working class struggle – after years of relative quiet – is proof that progress is possible.
Control is the power of directing what happens in a country, or an industry. We say workers must take control, but that has quite a different meaning for workers than for capitalists…
18 March 2023
Control over borders is the best way for a country to develop its economy and benefit its people. Such self-determination and independence serve the cause of workers everywhere.
May Day 2023. Workers! Take Charge of Britain! Manchester
Celebrate May Day with a social gathering and informal discussion.
Email for details.
May Day 2023. Workers! Take Charge of Britain! Bristol
Saturday 6 May, 2pm
Room G01, Tony Benn House, Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6AY
Click here for details.
May Day 2023. Workers! Take Charge of Britain!
Monday 1 May 7.30 pm
Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Celebrate May Day and join the discussion about how the working class of Britain can move forward.
All welcome. Free entry.
Since the 2008 crash governments have increased the money supply, with no improvement in productivity. This imbalance is the main cause of the current inflation.
Don’t divide Britain: unity not devolution
Discuss why attempts to break up the unity of Britain – through both separatism and regionalism – are an attack on the working class.
Email for an invitation.
How in practice can the working class assert control?
Tuesday 21 February 2023, 7.30pm
Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
The ruling class is clearly incapable of governing Britain. Where does that leave the working class? Come and discuss.
All welcome. Free Entry.
In many ways the situation facing workers in Britain is as dire as it has been at any time since the Second World War. But there is a shining light: the army of the working class is on the move.
When a strike takes place, when workers withdraw their labour, they and their employers are confronted with the truth: workers are essential to capitalism.
Another month, another prime minister. And yet underneath nothing has changed at all. British capitalism, the oldest in the world and arguably the most cunning, is out of ideas and out of time.
Democracy literally means “rule by the people”. That’s not what our current parliamentary democracy does. It’s not fit for purpose and it does not represent the people of Britain…