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Class struggle across a nation

25 February 2017

Since the birth of industrial capitalism, a web of industrial sinews has held the constituent regions of Britain together. The recent dismembering of much of that web has brought not only economic collapse to regions but also threatened our national integrity. We recount struggles in Scotland, London and North Wales that pursued essential class goals of improving wages and conditions of work.

No advance without Marxism

13 February 2016

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 17th Congress, London, November 2015. There can be no advance without Marxism, because Marx showed that only the eventual victory of the exploited class, the working class, represents a real future. Capitalism means only destruction and war.  Here in Britain, we need our own unique vision of a working class future in order to fight and win in the present.

One world – divided by class

Wednesday 14 January 2015 19:30
CPBML Public Meeting, Wednesday 14 January, 7.30pm

Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

We live in a world where workers now constitute the majority. And as workers we face the same enemy, a capitalist class which has claimed for itself the raw materials and the means of production, distribution and exchange. Migration is no solution. Neither are aid and charity. In each country ruled by capital, workers must settle accounts with their own ruling class if the world is to have a future.

Come and discuss. All welcome.

Who will claim this century?

Wage labour and capitalist practices became the norm in English agriculture centuries earlier than elsewhere. This prevalence of wage labour in the countryside was a vital precursor of the industrial revolution and probably a key trigger for it.

Which class wants supremacy?

In the first of a two-part analysis of class in the 21st century, Workers dismisses the notion that class is dead. In fact it is central to making sense out of our day-to-day experiences and the world at large.

Six calls to action

The Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist held its 16th Congress in late 2012, a coming together of the Party to consider the state of Britain and what needs to happen in the future. Here we set out briefly six Calls to Action for the British working class.

Social democracy

Social democracy, including its British counterparts such as the Social Democratic Federation and successors including the Labour Party, saw workers as passive, an electorate, a force to be harnessed,

Labour aristocracy

Anxious to work out why the oldest working class, the British, had avoided moving to revolution, external commentators at the height of empire concocted a false argument in an effort to explain away this behaviour. In some circles it is still lazily dispensed a century or so later.

State and revolution

In 1917, after three years of world war, Lenin identified the nature and function of the state. He declared that a partnership exists between the state and the dominant ruling class with the former charged with serving the interests of the latter.

Workers are thinkers

Nothing is more insulting to the history of working class struggle than the notion, born of ignorance and malevolence, that workers have to be instructed and commanded to do the correct thing. Indeed, according to some of the disconnected, to do anything at all.

Change Britain – Embrace Your Party

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 15th Congress, London, November 2009. The British government and the capitalist class internationally want us to believe that the working class cannot change anything, everything is beyond our control. We think differently.

Change Britain – Embrace Your Party

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 15th Congress, London, November 2009. The British government and the capitalist class internationally want us to believe that the working class cannot change anything, everything is beyond our control. We think differently.

The Future is Ours

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 14th Congress, London April 2006. At the 2003 congress the Party laid out an analysis of the state of Britain and the class which has been utterly borne out by events. The questions for us to consider now are: Where do we go from here? What has changed? How do we strike out for a future?

The Future is Ours

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 14th Congress, London April 2006. At the 2003 congress the Party laid out an analysis of the state of Britain and the class which has been utterly borne out by events. The questions for us to consider now are: Where do we go from here? What has changed? How do we strike out for a future?

Principles for Progress

Any worker reflecting on events today will see unbridled US aggression, record job losses in Britain’s manufacturing base, chaos in our schools and hospitals, the further undermining of our sovereignty by unceasing European Union integration.

Principles for Progress

17 October 2004

Any worker reflecting on events today will see unbridled US aggression, record job losses in Britain’s manufacturing base, chaos in our schools and hospitals, the further undermining of our sovereignty by unceasing European Union integration.

