Who should run London?
24 August 2023
The way London is run does not serve its people. Past improvements have given way to the dominance of the City of London and finance capital.
24 August 2023
The way London is run does not serve its people. Past improvements have given way to the dominance of the City of London and finance capital.
The NATO drums for war are beating loudly. British workers should not ignore this, still less support it…
Rail workers should ensure that the strong workplace organisation that has been developed when they built support for their campaigns of industrial action is not dissipated...
The government’s fear of real independence from the European Union is nowhere clearer than in funding for research – and it’s a fear shared by too many who work in research…
With the SNP administration in crisis, Scots can see that many of the strikes for better wages and conditions are Britain-wide – as is the financial crisis…
Without a steel industry Britain will be dependent on other countries for our strategic infrastructure. Yet the government will not take the steps needed to keep it alive…
Something significant is afoot in global finance. It relates directly to workers’ daily battle with inflation, potentially also having far wider impact. And it’s about the US dollar…
22 June 2023
Inflation as a result of government policy since 2008 has now worked through to consumer prices. The underlying economics of inflation are the result of a poor bargain between capitalists and wage-earners.
The well crafted and deliberate attacks on education by government are now being resisted by workers, who believe this is a critical point in the struggle to arrest decline…
It is time to examine the case for electric vehicles. The arguments, rooted in net zero dogma, don’t stand up to reality. Investment is needed, not imposed targets…
Control is the power of directing what happens in a country, or an industry. We say workers must take control, but that has quite a different meaning for workers than for capitalists…
A report from the TUC and transport unions calls for a massive increase in investment and financial support for public transport outside of London – rail, tram and bus…
Separatism takes different forms across Britain, a reactionary movement backed only by a minority. The struggle for unity will have to be persistent and strategic…
Workers have always organised to defend their interests, governments have always used the law to oppose them, but struggle does not stop…
The increasing number of deaths in Britain is a concern. We need to ask why – and recognise that there is no evidence that Covid vaccines are to blame. Quite the contrary…
Devolution is a threat to workers across England, as well as in Wales and Scotland, with the government bent on breaking up Britain into competing regions…
The health benefits of open air sports have been known since ancient times, but they are under threat for children in Britain today…
Clean water and effective waste disposal are essential for a civilised society. Yet regulation is lax, and water companies regularly dump sewage into watercourses…
The railway industry and its workforce enter 2023 with uncertain futures. So far rail workers have shown they are prepared to stand and fight for their interests, together with those of the industry…
While the EU is increasingly devoid of direction and entangled in debt, the government is reluctant to take the steps needed to secure British independence…
Short of options and short of money, the SNP/Green coalition has effectively shelved its demand for an immediate referendum. Yet its budget is widening the tax gulf with the rest of Britain…
The NHS is a prime example of what happens when governments refuse to govern or indeed make any decision. Now the government is attacking the very people struggling to keep providing care in a mess of its own making…
Why is it so difficult to have a grown-up discussion – or any discussion at all – about the government’s net carbon zero commitments? But as the costs hit home, discussion cannot be avoided…
Nowhere has the reluctance to break definitively with the EU been more evident than in research…
The never-ending rise in the number of people migrating to Britain provides the clearest evidence that Brexit is being hollowed out from within, including by people who appeared to be in favour of it…
Burning wood to generate electricity is no solution for Britain’s tenuous energy supply – and claims it is “carbon neutral” are flawed…
Food shortages and rising food prices have hit Britain. It need not have been that way – governments have squandered the opportunities in front of them…
The working class and their trade unions know that capitalism isn’t working. At least not for us. But it seems to be doing a grand job for the capitalists…
London can either be a huge force for progress in an independent Britain, or a colossal hindrance instead. Which one it will be depends on everyone in the country, not just in the capital…
Government inaction has inflicted an uncertain future on Britain’s largest producer of silicon chips…