The fight for a future
One battle ends, but the war goes on. With the end of British involvement in the EU comes a new beginning – the fight for real independence…
One battle ends, but the war goes on. With the end of British involvement in the EU comes a new beginning – the fight for real independence…
Rolls-Royce workers at in Lancashire are to strike for three weeks in November against the company’s plan to move production offshore.
There are now six months to blunt the axe of those who plan to break up Britain. But encouragingly, those who are pushing for fragmentation are increasingly seeking to tear each other apart too…
With nationalisation the only sensible option for rail, the government is moving swiftly to avoid doing it. Instead, it is looking to turn the industry upside down, with huge implications for jobs, pay, conditions and services…
In a world where much commerce is conducted digitally and cash use is falling, the central banks are stuck in the past, supplying notes and coins while credit is controlled by the private retail banks. But that could soon change…
Those who advocate a free trade deal with the US claiming that it will lower food prices are putting the cart before the horse. We don’t need free trade – we need a strategy for food production, and its distribution…
Socialist Cuba continues to demonstrate the inherent strength of its society through its capacity to bring a rise in Covid-19 infections under control – while continuing to innovate and resist the attacks on it from the US…
The EU and NATO are ramping up hostilities in eastern Europe…
The ability of a nation to support itself in the long term depends on renewing and rebuilding skills. That means providing proper apprenticeships to every young person suited for one – not the current mess…
The dominance of finance capital has dragged Britain deep into debt, even before Covid-19. Rebuilding the economy after the ravages of the pandemic will require a completely different approach…
“Working from home” has long been an option in many jobs. Now millions of workers have found they have to. For some the dream has turned out to be a nightmare…
How can an island with an ideal climate for growing food be so dependent on imports on the one hand, and have so many millions of its people living in food poverty on the other?
There’s a new strategy for food – but it’s not right for Britain…
Dogged by EU rules on state support, bedevilled by government indifference over decades, Britain’s energy policy needs a radical overhaul…
Experiences during the Covid pandemic plus new technologies could help rebuild the clothing industry…
Covid-19 has revealed the evil effects of the criminal fragmentation of Britain’s health and social care. The so-called internal market has failed. Workers must ensure that we never again face such a calamity…
A union plan called Manufacturing Matters has been launched. With Covid-19 and Brexit, we not only desperately need a plan for a manufacturing-based recovery – we also have the opportunity to implement it…
The Covid-19 crisis has presented both opportunity and cover for the owners of transport operators to attack jobs, pay, and conditions of well organised British workers at a time when they are vulnerable…
No wonder universities are in a financial mess. Wedded to a business model that relied on speculative investment to bring in increasing numbers of foreign students, they are going to have to re-focus on Britain to survive…
Unable to achieve its aims through democratic means, the SNP is edging towards a set of manoeuvres that would see Scotland leaving Britain by stealth…
The Covid-19 crisis has made it even more essential to get to grips with capitalism’s monetary mess. Quite simply, Britain’s whole business model is wrong.
Workers in the NHS, and all of us who use it should insist that never again can it be allowed to face such an epidemic with such limited resources…
Keen to profit from the Covid-19 crisis, transport companies have been eagerly queuing up with their begging bowls, while ensuring that workers bear the brunt of the reductions in services…
Many are asking whether Wales needs any more devolution. The coronavirus crisis has made the question even more important…
The European Union poses as the protector of the environment – despite a disastrous record…
No one can say Britain wasn’t warned about its vaccine capacity, and yet very little was done…
During the global coronavirus pandemic Cuba is standing out as a shining example not just of international solidarity but also of the expertise and treatments possible when a country is run in the interests of its people…
We want to get Brexit done. But we’ve just had a 42-month tutorial in why we not to leave things to the establishment. What do we need to be vigilant about?
While the EU is desperately trying to find the money to prop up its ailing and corrupt Common Agricultural Policy, Britain can plan for a productive future…
Britain is an island nation, but its shipping is open to any country in the EU. British ships sail under foreign flags, employing seafarers at below the UK minimum wage. Time to change all that…