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Hospital HR passes the buck

28 February 2016

Under the guise of “employee relations advice”, King’s College Hospital Trust has implemented a glorious modern-day example of how to undermine a union.    

Change needed in FE

Members of the University and College Union (UCU) and Unison working in further education went on strike for the day on 24 February in colleges in England that have refused to make any pay offer for 2015-16.

Unions mull local govt. offer

Unison, Unite and GMB are now consulting their members in local government over the Local Government Association’s two-year pay offer of 1 per cent a year, with higher rises at the bottom end to take account of the new National Living Wage.

Government abandons steel

26 February 2016

Business Secretary Sajid Javid told a manufacturing conference this week that public funds wouldn't be used to rescue steel. He didn’t add that EU rules would prohibit it. 

CPBML launches Leave! page

23 February 2016

The CPBML today announced a new web resource, cpbml.org.uk/leave – a dedicated page laying out the arguments for a Leave vote in the referendum set for 23 June.

Vote to leave, trade unionists urged

14 February 2016

Trade unionists have every reason to vote to leave the EU – despite of the view of the TUC and a number of their member unions. This was the theme of a lively meeting held by the CPBML at Conway Hall in London on 11 February.

Hospital doctors’ dispute continues

13 February 2016

The strike by junior doctors on Wednesday 10 February was met by government bluster as health secretary Jeremy Hunt threatened to impose the new terms. The BMA says this action represents total failure by the government.

Trade deficit on the rise, again

11 February 2016

The trade deficit rose again in the final quarter of last year, pushing above the previous year’s total according to figures released by the Office for National Statistics on Tuesday.

Stealth attack on national museum

8 February 2016

Bradford’s National Media Museum is reeling with news that an important archive is to be relocated to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London this summer. 

Unity as steel centres fight for survival

8 February 2016

Britain’s key specialist steel centres, such as Forgemasters in Sheffield, are fighting for survival with an alliance not only of trade unions and communities but now major employers.

15-minute homecare visits still the norm

8 February 2016

Despite new guidelines, homecare visits are still too short for workers to complete their visit without compromising the quality of their service or the dignity of the person receiving the support.

Strike ballot for sixth-form colleges

8 February 2016

The National Union of Teachers has launched a funding campaign for the sixth-form sector, and is balloting members for a one-day strike to coincide with a national demonstration in March.

Support your libraries!

5 February 2016

Campaigners and library workers are taking action to support Britain’s public library service. On Tuesday 9 February, Speak Up For Libraries will hold a rally in Westminster, followed by a lobby of MPs.

Supermarket wars: betting on a falling market

2 February 2016

In a classic case of dog-eat-dog capitalism, supermarket chain Sainsbury’s has made a £1.3 billion takeover bid for Home Retail Group, which owns Homebase and high-street retailers Argos.



Unions mull local government pay offer

21 January 2016

Unison, Unite and GMB are now consulting their members over the Local Government Association’s two-year pay offer of 1 per cent a year. Once again, rhetoric is outpacing reality.

Government cuts trade union education

15 January 2016

By August 2016 government funding for trade union education via the TUC will be slashed by half. By August 2017 all the funding will probably have gone. It is time for unions to grasp the nettle.

Valentine's stunt put up against Trade Union Bill

13 January 2016

The Trade Union Bill passed its second reading in the Lords on 11 January. In the face of a seemingly inexorable journey towards the Bill becoming an Act, the TUC’s response is a tepid Valentine’s stunt.

