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Real wages falling, says Governor

14 December 2016

Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, identified last week that real wages in Britain have fallen for the first time in 150 years.

'Owner-employees' fiddle to go

14 December 2016

The government has abandoned the attempt to spread the concept of “owner-employees”, introduced four years ago by the Coalition government.

Dyson Institute: planning out of the EU

13 December 2016

Sir James Dyson intends to establish an Institute of Technology in 2017. This positive initiative it raises significant questions for our class. We must become the front runners in preparing for life after Brexit; it’s not enough to leave the future of Britain to others.

Crown post offices strike for survival

3 December 2016

Members of the Commuication Workers Union in Crown post offices across the country are on strike today, protesting against further “managed decline” of British postal services.

Judges seek to thwart will of people

23 November 2016

On 5 December judges on the Supreme Court will decide who is sovereign in this country – parliament or the people. They should allow the government to implement the Brexit referendum

Manufacture defies the Remain lies

31 October 2016

The Remainers are professional denigrators of Britain, running down anything in an attempt to show they were right. Manufacturing is proving them wrong.

NHS still tendering contracts across the EU

27 October 2016

NHS England is trying to defy the historic referendum vote to leave the EU by applying EU rules to the procurement of up to £15 billion of specialised services contracts.

No trade deal for EU and Canada

24 October 2016

Belgium cannot sign the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, the EU’s proposed trade deal with Canada because of opposition from local elected bodies. That may block the whole deal.


Euro a 'house of cards'

The economic troubles of the EU will not go away, despite the sustained denials by politicians, echoed by some here in Britain. One expert tells a different story, explaining that struggling through crisises cannot go on endlessly.

A proper merchant navy - or face 'strangulation'

19 October 2016

After decades of decline in the number of British-registered vessels, Britain’s merchant navy is becoming so depleted that our economy could be held to ransom by other nations with stronger shipping industries, according to Nautilus, the maritime union.

Anti-Russia sanctions cost Europe dear

18 October 2016

European countries are extending sanctions against Russia because of the secession of Crimea from Ukraine. This belligerence is causing difficulties in Europe and Britain as well as for Russia.

