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A proper merchant navy - or face 'strangulation'

19 October 2016

After decades of decline in the number of British-registered vessels, Britain’s merchant navy is becoming so depleted that our economy could be held to ransom by other nations with stronger shipping industries, according to Nautilus, the maritime union.

Anti-Russia sanctions cost Europe dear

18 October 2016

European countries are extending sanctions against Russia because of the secession of Crimea from Ukraine. This belligerence is causing difficulties in Europe and Britain as well as for Russia.

Generation reverse

3 October 2016

Real wages in Britain have fallen by more than 10 per cent in the last ten years according to government figures. The current generation of new workers will be the first since records began to earn less than their parents.

Pensions: later and later [updated]

3 October 2016

A review of the state pension age is due to be released in early 2017. We can expect the media to trail snippets to prepare the ground. But the apparently independent review will simply copy the World Bank and IMF line on how to bust up a country’s state pension system.

Commons committee slams Libya intervention

22 September 2016

The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee report into Britain’s role in the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi is a stunning indictment of the British state’s attack on Libya in March 2011.

New arts trade union formed

12 September 2016

The Artists’ Union of England, launched in London and Newcastle two years ago with advice based on the Scottish Artists’ Union Rule Book, has just been granted certification.

Doctors fighting for the NHS

5 September 2016

Hospital doctors have begun a new phase of action in response to the government’s attempt to impose new contracts. Strikes planned for the autumn will take place unless the government halts the imposition and restarts meaningful talks.

European army plans march ahead

25 August 2016

Moves to create a European Army are accelerating – despite the assertions of the Remain campaign that the idea was purely Leave hysteria.

Air pollution killing Londoners

5 August 2016

Londoners are falling ill and dying because the capital has levels of nitrogen oxides comparable to those of Shanghai and Beijing, according to a new report published in July. 

'Almighty mess' of NHS privatisation

11 July 2016

The NHS’s Primary Care Support Services were privatised in April, transferred to multinational profit-sucker Capita, along with over a thousand workers – and things have not gone well.

EU and NATO ramp up tension with Russia

11 July 2016

If any British workers doubted that the EU and NATO are two sides of the same coin, the EU–NATO leaders’ declaration of 9 July 2016 to deploy more troops and weapons on Russia’s borders should remove them.

After Brexit, plan for power generation!

3 July 2016

The Brexit decision has thrown government plans for electricity generation into further turmoil, with renewed concerns over the future of the proposed nuclear power station at Hinkley Point.

The other referendum - junior doctors vote on contract

1 July 2016

Voting ends today (1 July) in the "Members Referendum" of junior doctors on whether to accept the terms negotiated by their union, the British Medical Association, to settle their long-running dispute with the government over seven-day working.

Unemployment surges in France

30 June 2016

After two months of falls in France’s jobless totals, the number out of work rose again. Meanwhile, the government is imposing drastic changes in labour legislation to meet EU fiscal targets.

