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Valentine's stunt put up against Trade Union Bill

13 January 2016

The Trade Union Bill passed its second reading in the Lords on 11 January. In the face of a seemingly inexorable journey towards the Bill becoming an Act, the TUC’s response is a tepid Valentine’s stunt.

Fresh attack on local government pensions

13 January 2016

The Centre for Policy Studies, regarded by the late Margaret Thatcher as her favourite think tank, has produced the blueprint for the next government attack on the Local Government Pension Scheme.

Doctors on the picket lines

12 January 2016

As junior doctors embarked on their first day of strike action against the government’s proposed new contract, CPBML News visited picket lines in London and Yorkshire.

Health bursaries campaign goes national

10 January 2016

The campaign against the attack on health students’ bursaries moved up a gear on Saturday 9 January with the first national demonstration. Students travelled from all over England to assemble in London.

Kellingley closes

13 December 2015

The last of Britain’s deep coal mines closed on 19 December. It sounds the death knell not only for coal mining but electricity generation from coal, hastened by government decsions posing as a commitment to deal with climate change.

The war must be stopped

3 December 2015

David Cameron has got his way, and the RAF is bombing Syria. We will all live to regret the despicable vote in parliament last night which saw the bombing authorised.

Student nurses and midwives in bursary protest

2 December 2015

War abroad, war at home. As parliament was debating the bombing of Syria, less than 100 yards up Whitehall student nurses and midwives were standing outside the Department of Health in a loud and lively protest against plans to scrap their bursaries.

Rail unions unite over driver-only trains

30 November 2015

In a significant move, rail unions ASLEF and RMT have agreed a joint statement opposing the operation of trains without a guard – a direct response to plans to operate new inter-city trains with drivers only.

Doctors show the way

27 November 2015

Junior doctors have forced health secretary Jeremy Hunt to go to Acas without precondition, which he said could not happen. The threat of industrial action starting on 1 December still stands, although withdrawal of labour is very difficult for junior doctors.

Winter kills: fuel poverty on the rise

23 November 2015

On Wednesday 25 November, figures will be announced for the number of additional winter deaths of older people due to cold-related illnesses – and black balloons will be released to indicate the scale of fuel poverty in Britain.

Hunt misses every target

15 November 2015

The NHS in England continues to miss many key targets, such as those for emergency responses and cancer care. A&E departments face a “perfect storm” this winter.

OECD indicators indict Britain's health spending

9 November 2015

The latest indictment of Britain’s spending on health has come from a formidable source – the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the club of leading capitalist countries.

Students fight against fees and debt

5 November 2015

Students from 60 university campuses across Britain converged on the Department of Business Innovation and Skills on Wednesday 4 November to call for an end to tuition fees and debt.

Wardens break pay barrier

Traffic wardens working for outsourcing company NSL in Camden, north London, have voted to accept a new pay agreement. The settlement, which breaks through the ceiling of the “London living wage”, also avoids the need for another two weeks of planned strike action.

