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Fighting for workers’ rights at Amazon

19 November 2023

Amazon workers in Britian continue their fight for better pay and conditions as well as trade union recognition. It’s a long fight against the world’s largest retail company, everywhere hostile to workers.

RMT forces climb down by government [updated]

13 November 2023

Determined action by RMT rail union members has forced the government to make a new offer through the train operating companies to settle their long-running pay and conditions dispute.

Scottish Water workers fighting for pay

13 November 2023

Scottish Water workers are striking against regrading and lower pay. Yet the publicly-owned company makes large payments to executives and like others in the industry presides over increased sewage pollution.

Thames pollution continues

13 November 2023

Water companies continue to pump raw sewage into rivers and the sea despite strong campaigning. A new report reveals the extent of pollution by Thames Water.

Steel industry – green threat

7 November 2023

British Steel wants to close down the blast furnaces at its Scunthorpe plant. This threatens the jobs of 2,000 skilled workers and the future of the industry.

Ticket office victory

2 November 2023

The government has scrapped plans to close rail ticket offices in the face of overwhelming opposition from rail workers and passengers – a victory for people power.

