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Cancer care in Britain needs improving

3 April 2015

Britain lags behind in cancer treatment according to Macmillan Cancer Support. NHS England and the Department of Heath suggest progress is being made, but their claims don’t stand up to scrutiny.

No pot of gold for South Yorkshire

3 April 2015

Judges have upheld a reallocation by the Department of Business Innovation and Skills of £50 million EU structural growth funds from South Yorkshire to Scotland and Wales.

Barnsley College workers strike for conditions

3 April 2015

Barnsley College workers are in dispute over restructuring plans that will bring worse pay and conditions. A series of strikes restarted with four more days' action in the week ending 20 March.

Archaeologists unearth map secrecy

31 March 2015

Archaeologists working on the remote Cumbrian island of Walney and on the Isle of Grain in Kent have revealed what were secret trench training grounds forgotten for over a century.

Joint fight to stop huge NHS privatisation

30 March 2015

Three unions are combining to challenge the way NHS England is trying to hand a contract worth over £1 billion for primary care support services over to the private sector.

