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A dangerous idea

This book from a professor of international political economy recounts the intellectual and practical history of austerity and judges it a dangerous disaster. The author shows that austerity does not work as advertised. It does not reduce debt and does not promote growth; instead budgets are cut, economies shrink.

Victory for Sheffield electricians

22 December 2014

Unite electricians based at Amey Council Work depot Olive Grove Sheffield have settled their dispute, winning a 3.7 per cent pay rise, reports Sheffield Trades Council.

Miami 5 return to Cuba

18 December 2014

The Miami 5 have returned to Cuba in a huge victory for Cuban workers and their allies around the world. They had been imprisoned for fighting US-sponsored terrorism against Cuba.

London: the capital of poverty

14 December 2014

The Greater London Authority’s recent update on poverty in London makes stark reading. Despite being the play bauble of the world’s rich, London remains one of the most deprived areas in Britain.

