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RAF pilots join US-inspired bombing in Syria

27 July 2015

RAF pilots have taken part in NATO bombing missions in Syria. This is in breach of the August 2013 Parliamentary vote against any British military involvement in Syria – but in support of US strategy.

No good comes from the rich

26 July 2015

All parliamentary parties hold the view that very rich people are good for the economy. By implication workers can only hope to have crumbs from the table. That’s never been a convincing argument – and this book from Andrew Sayer shows how the opposite is true.

Financial Times sold to Japanese company

26 July 2015

Publishing group Pearson is selling the Financial Times Group to Japanese firm Nikkei for £844 million – sending another famous British firm into foreign ownership.

Plans to tighten the euro noose

20 July 2015

Even as negotiations with Greece were continuing in June, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, released a report calling for closer monetary and political union.

Why we are striking: Tube workers speak out

10 July 2015

Members of Aslef and RMT picketing on 9 July told cpbml.org.uk why they were on strike. The dispute is about working conditions, not pay, associated with the proposed 24-hour operation of the tube.

The euro prison

8 July 2015

Pompously launched to the strains of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy at the start of 1991, the euro now stands revealed as a cage to trap and impoverish the peoples of Europe.

EasyJet cabin crew ballot over pay

7 July 2015

Cabin crews at the airline easyJet are to be balloted for industrial action by their union, Unite, following a breakdown in negotiations over pay for over 2,000 cabin crew at 11 bases throughout Britain.

