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Pensions: academics ballot over action

29 December 2017

University workers across Britain are being balloted over whether to fight to prevent the closure of their University Superannuation Scheme, a final salary arrangement.

Korea reacts to US war threats

21 December 2017

It’s been revealed that a massive hack of South Korean military computers unveiled plans to assassinate North Korea's leadership and invade the country. No wonder the country is developing its missile capability.

US admits to ground troops in Yemen

21 December 2017

President Trump has admitted for the first time that the USA has “a small number” of ground troops in Yemen. The US government has also given arms and logistical support to the Saudi-led coalition invading the country.

A new vision needed

19 December 2017

This report from IPPR gives a good, detailed analysis of our situation. It rightly suggests we need a new economic approach, but says too little about what must be done to put things right.

Care home crunch

12 December 2017

Care provider Four Seasons is in talks with its creditors – another symptom of a widespread, deep-rooted crisis in social care.

