The EU barrier to control of our railways
Continued membership of the EU – and some pro-EU unions are pushing hard in that direction – would doom Britain’s railways to eternal privatisation.
Continued membership of the EU – and some pro-EU unions are pushing hard in that direction – would doom Britain’s railways to eternal privatisation.
Thousands of women workers, including cleaners, carers, learning support staff, and those in nurseries and administration walked out on 23 October on a two-day strike.
Ever since the referendum the EU has been clear: the only deal it wants is a punishment deal, to discourage other EU members from following our example.
Britain needs to increase the number of student doctors, says the president-elect of the Royal College of Physicians.
There is one country where there is no “Valley of Death” where lack of investment chokes off new biotech products – Cuba.
Forty years ago researchers created a synthetic form of insulin, the hormone that controls levels of sugar in the blood. Some greens weren’t happy.
The referendum took a giant step along the road to freedom. But the job is not finished. Achieving independence will require a change in our thinking.
Two closely related financial opportunities present themselves next year when Britain leaves the EU…
Genome editing involves the deliberate modification of a specific sequence of DNA in a living cell.
Biotechnology will be at the heart of the future of medicine and agriculture, as well as several other industries. But will it be at the centre of British industry?
A new book marshals the arguments for Brexit, and exposes the ambitions of the EU…
An editorial in the British Medical Journal – not noted for a pro-Brexit line – points out the weaknesses of medical device regulation in the EU.