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Middle East

Middle East

US arms spending will start wars

22 April 2024

The USA has worsened the prospects of peace in three regions of the world. It has voted funds for increased military support to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Described as enabling defence and security, this action will escalate already dangerous situations.

Middle East: keep Britain out of war!

22 April 2024

Escalating military action in the Middle East threatens a wider war. What can workers in Britain do about it? We need to be united and to assert Britain’s interests, which are not to be involved in foreign wars.

A more dangerous world

25 January 2024

The British and US governments are stoking conflict across the world, supporting Israel to continue its war on Gaza. They oppose a ceasefire in Gaza and egg Ukraine on against Russia, ignoring Britain’s needs.

No to war in the Red Sea

13 January 2024

The British government, hand in glove with the US government, is attacking Yemen. This act of war dangerously widens the war in the Middle East. We should condemn it.

Unity 'frees camp' from ISIS

Reports have reached Workers that the combined force of all the armed rival Palestinian factions in the giant Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria, plus the Syrian Arab Army, have liberated most of the camp from ISIS.

Iraq: tragedy and farce

Karl Marx famously wrote that history repeats itself – the first time as tragedy, then as farce. That sums up the contortions that the US is twisting itself into over Iraq, shabbily abetted by Cameron.

Workers and the war

The commencement of overt hostilities against Iraq brings centre stage the struggle against the United States imperial way. Not since the heroic struggle of the people of Vietnam has the clash of interest between imperial aggression and sovereignty been so polarised.
