Out! And now for real independence

Here you can read news from the CPBML about the progress and challenges of working class control in the fight for real independence for Britain, and follow links to other pieces with valuable information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.

The mathematics of the madhouse

27 November 2014

Under fire for promoting corporate tax evasion, European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has come up with a new wheeze: magicking a €315 billion investment programme out of thin air.

SNP seeks EU referendum veto

30 October 2014

Having failed to deliver Scotland bound and gagged into the hands of the European Union through the “independence” referendum, the Scottish National Party is now trying to ensure that the whole of Britain will be locked forever in to the Brussels embrace.

More doublespeak over TTIP

17 October 2014

On 9 October the European Union released the text of its “negotiating mandate” for the TTIP – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership treaty that it is negotiating with the European Union. Perhaps inadvertently, it includes one telling admission.

Eurobrief: TTIP under scrutiny

The EU-US free trade agreement, known as TTIP, is coming under increasing pressure as more and more people start to realise what it entails. Top of the list of concerns is the provision for Investor State Dispute Settlement, or ISDS.

EU referendum now!

The Parliamentary parties have often promised a referendum but have always broken their promises, because they represent capitalism and capitalists are afraid to hear the views of the working class.

Six calls to action

The Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist held its 16th Congress in late 2012, a coming together of the Party to consider the state of Britain and what needs to happen in the future. Here we set out briefly six Calls to Action for the British working class.

State and revolution

In 1917, after three years of world war, Lenin identified the nature and function of the state. He declared that a partnership exists between the state and the dominant ruling class with the former charged with serving the interests of the latter.

Fighting fascism

It is a fact that the only force to defeat fascism is the organised working class. Sometimes in a particular country, as in Britain prior to the Second World War when Mosley was broken, orr internationally – as in the Second World War, when the forces of progress epitomised in the Red Army cleared Europe.

The Future is Ours

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 14th Congress, London April 2006. At the 2003 congress the Party laid out an analysis of the state of Britain and the class which has been utterly borne out by events. The questions for us to consider now are: Where do we go from here? What has changed? How do we strike out for a future?

The Future is Ours

Political statement from the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist, 14th Congress, London April 2006. At the 2003 congress the Party laid out an analysis of the state of Britain and the class which has been utterly borne out by events. The questions for us to consider now are: Where do we go from here? What has changed? How do we strike out for a future?

EU constitution

After the magnificent votes against the EU Constitution in France and Holland, those here who want to try to save the tatters of a Treaty are desperate to deny a similar vote to British workers.

Principles for Progress

17 October 2004

Any worker reflecting on events today will see unbridled US aggression, record job losses in Britain’s manufacturing base, chaos in our schools and hospitals, the further undermining of our sovereignty by unceasing European Union integration.

Principles for Progress

Any worker reflecting on events today will see unbridled US aggression, record job losses in Britain’s manufacturing base, chaos in our schools and hospitals, the further undermining of our sovereignty by unceasing European Union integration.