Out! And now for real independence

Here you can read news from the CPBML about the progress and challenges of working class control in the fight for real independence for Britain, and follow links to other pieces with valuable information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.

U-turn as Germany closes borders

19 September 2015

Germany wants to dictate immigration policy to Europe – and it is causing chaos across the continent. On 13 September Merkel had to introduce temporary border controls.

EU referendum: first moves

13 September 2015

A referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU will happen by the end of 2017. There’s no chance of the EU restoring powers to Britain beforehand and no prospect of a revised treaty. 

Plans to tighten the euro noose

20 July 2015

Even as negotiations with Greece were continuing in June, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, released a report calling for closer monetary and political union.

The euro prison

8 July 2015

Pompously launched to the strains of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy at the start of 1991, the euro now stands revealed as a cage to trap and impoverish the peoples of Europe.

RMT support solid in Scottish ferry dispute

28 June 2015

Ferry workers halted sailings to islands on the west coast of Scotland, taking action against the threat to wages, standards and jobs arising from an EU-enforced privatisation process.

After the election

After 7 May, what should workers do? We don’t have the luxury of just preparing for the next election, as the Labour party is doing – though it looks like it is seeing how to lose the next election too.

Yes to Britain, no to the EU

This Party is for the union of England, Scotland and Wales in Britain. We are against separatism, because for a part of the British working class to leave Britain is not independence but secession, splitting. We are for Britain’s unity. We are also for Ireland’s unity.

When Britain leaves the EU

Tuesday 22 September 2015 19:30


CPBML Public Meeting, Tuesday 22 September, 7.30pm

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Over the past 50 years and more, Britain’s ruling class has battled to enmesh Britain in the European Union. With the euro in meltdown, come and discuss why Britain can only thrive outside the EU, and what Britain needs to do to retain its integrity, sovereignty and unity as an island of labour. All welcome.

EU membership: Britain’s choice

29 May 2015

The paper that won the Institute of Economic Affairs’ 2014 Brexit Prize argues that Britain could thrive outside the EU by improving our links with the rest of the world

No pot of gold for South Yorkshire

3 April 2015

Judges have upheld a reallocation by the Department of Business Innovation and Skills of £50 million EU structural growth funds from South Yorkshire to Scotland and Wales.

EU turns the screws on Greece

10 March 2015

Sensing weakness, the European Union is now demanding that hundreds of "troika" officials go into Greece’s ministries to examine the accounts.

EU tries again on trade deal

22 February 2015

A worried EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström paid a visit to London on 16 February. The successful signing off of TTIP is a priority for Malmström’s boss, EU president Jean-Claude Juncker, but he has handed her a poisoned chalice.

Cypriot workers fight aftermath of EU-ordained closure

8 February 2015

Unions in Cyprus are still fighting the aftermath of the shutdown of the national air carrier, Cyprus Airways. An EU ruling that financial help given by the Cyprus government was illegal state aid effectively shut it down in January, with the loss of 560 jobs

Troika abandoned as EU seeks a way out

3 February 2015

In a graphic illustration of the weakness of the European Union after the Greek election, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has signalled his willingness to end the rule of the “troika”.

G20: the drive to war

The G20 summit in Brisbane, Australia, in November made good TV: Russian President Putin as the naughty boy isolated by the other 19 countries, which took it in turns to call him names, forcing him to leave early. But it wasn't like that at all.