Out! And now for real independence

Here you can read news from the CPBML about the progress and challenges of working class control in the fight for real independence for Britain, and follow links to other pieces with valuable information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.

Euro crisis on two fronts

22 November 2018

The EU is suddenly facing two financial crises simultaneously, in Greece and Italy, one impacting on the other. 

What next after the Brexit betrayal?

15 November 2018

This is a betrayal unprecedented in British history. Parliament must vote to reject it. And this traitor Cabinet must be replaced by one willing to obey the people’s instruction to leave the EU.

Labour's Brexit betrayal

2 October 2018

Labour has aligned itself with those in Westminster who want to betray Britain, betray the trust that people put in the referendum process, and betray democracy itself. 

Honour the Vote

Wednesday 26 September 2018 19:00

Wednesday 26 September, 7pm

Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton BN1 1AF

Organised through Invoke Democracy Now. Tickets (£2 to £3) available via Eventbrite.

Is Britain going to leave the EU in name only? This meeting aims to rally democrats to defend democracy and uphold the democratic mandate to leave the EU.