Here you can read news from the CPBML about the progress and challenges of working class control in the fight for real independence for Britain, and follow links to other pieces with valuable information. Please email us with information about meetings or useful links.
Out! And now for real independence
Manufacture here, in an independent Britain
22 November 2018
Why has the contract to build new rolling stock for London Underground’s Piccadilly Line gone to a German conglomerate?
Euro crisis on two fronts
22 November 2018
The EU is suddenly facing two financial crises simultaneously, in Greece and Italy, one impacting on the other.
What next after the Brexit betrayal?
15 November 2018
This is a betrayal unprecedented in British history. Parliament must vote to reject it. And this traitor Cabinet must be replaced by one willing to obey the people’s instruction to leave the EU.
Panic-mongering as Brexit date nears
6 November 2018
Attempts to undermine Brexit abound. One of the more insidious strands is the growing panic-mongering evident in some quarters.
Chuck Chequers: the single market by another name
1 November 2018
A devastating critique of the Chequers plan shows how it would bind the UK to EU rules with no say in them. Those compromises are unncessary and would not implement the referendum result.
Fishing – Brexit boom or betrayal?
30 October 2018
Fishing for Leave has published a plan to make the most of Brexit, but it against letting the EU keep control over our fishing.
Sheffield home to Boeing’s first European manufacturing facility
29 October 2018
Boeing's first European manufacturing facility has opened in Sheffield. Despite the doom-mongers, substantial investment in Britain continues.
Defend Brexit!
We the people voted to leave, but our vote is being frustrated. We must stand up, stand tall, and defend Brexit.
The EU barrier to control of our railways
Continued membership of the EU – and some pro-EU unions are pushing hard in that direction – would doom Britain’s railways to eternal privatisation.
The punishment bloc
Ever since the referendum the EU has been clear: the only deal it wants is a punishment deal, to discourage other EU members from following our example.
Brexit: self-confidence and renewal
The referendum took a giant step along the road to freedom. But the job is not finished. Achieving independence will require a change in our thinking.
Take control for a future for biotech
Biotechnology will be at the heart of the future of medicine and agriculture, as well as several other industries. But will it be at the centre of British industry?
Handbook for leavers
A new book marshals the arguments for Brexit, and exposes the ambitions of the EU…
Journal pans device regulation
An editorial in the British Medical Journal – not noted for a pro-Brexit line – points out the weaknesses of medical device regulation in the EU.
Brexit on stage
Not everyone in the arts is in love with the EU. A new play has been putting the other point of view…
Italy: EU fines threat
The European Commission rejected Italy’s budget just one day after it was submitted.
Pensions: thanks to the EU, it's not all over yet
Despite progress in the universities pensions fight, the employers still do not accept – and many staff still fail to understand – that there is no pensions deficit at all. It’s actually a destructive fabrication imposed by EU diktat…
Labour's Brexit betrayal
2 October 2018
Labour has aligned itself with those in Westminster who want to betray Britain, betray the trust that people put in the referendum process, and betray democracy itself.
Bolton rally shows spirit for EU fight
27 September 2018
The 1,500 enthusiastic Brexiteers who came to Leave Means Leave’s Bolton rally show that the people are ready to fight for Brexit.
How free movement is wrecking Romania
With much of its young workforce now abroad, Romania is increasingly a country of old people and children – and utterly dependent on the EU.
Honour the Vote
Honour the Vote
Wednesday 26 September, 7pm
Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton BN1 1AF
Organised through Invoke Democracy Now. Tickets (£2 to £3) available via Eventbrite.
Is Britain going to leave the EU in name only? This meeting aims to rally democrats to defend democracy and uphold the democratic mandate to leave the EU.
TUC opposed in closet call for second referendum
13 September 2018
Instead of calling for – effectively – a second referendum, TUC unions should follow the RMT’s lead and assert their own sovereignty against the employers.
EU rules 'waste food' and add to pollution
13 September 2018
EU rules force around a third of all fruit and vegetables produced on British farms are thrown away purely because they don’t look good enough, scientists say.
Network Rail to use Brexit to scrap money-eating EU regulations
24 August 2018
Network Rail has confirmed that it will use the freedoms presented by next year’s Brexit to cut needless costs.
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