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Action over housing

5 October 2015

The phrase “housing crisis” is a daily media prod to the London commuter. Blink and it’s still there. But we’ve been stood immobile and blinking for far too long.  

Junior doctors in revolt over proposed contracts

29 September 2015

Junior doctors flooded Westminster in their thousands last night (Tuesday) to protest against planned changes to their contracts as the British Medical Association ballots members on industrial action.

Refugees: how to create a crisis

29 September 2015

NATO governments are scheming to win support for intervening in Syria – using the refugees to create chaos in Europe and provide the excuse for an illegal war.

U-turn as Germany closes borders

19 September 2015

Germany wants to dictate immigration policy to Europe – and it is causing chaos across the continent. On 13 September Merkel had to introduce temporary border controls.

Finns strike against government pay cuts

19 September 2015

Finland’s national trade unions held a mass demonstration on 18 September at Helsinki Railway Station, combined with widespread strikes, against government plans to cut pay and benefits.

London teachers launch housing campaign

19 September 2015

Teachers can’t afford London, says the newly formed London Teachers’ Housing Campaign, as tthe average price of a home soars above £500,000 and rents continue to rise by over 10 per cent a year.

EU referendum: first moves

13 September 2015

A referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU will happen by the end of 2017. There’s no chance of the EU restoring powers to Britain beforehand and no prospect of a revised treaty. 

Rolls-Royce aero engines: fight to keep British jobs

5 September 2015

In the midst of significant investment on the back of large order books workers at aero engine giant Rolls-Royce have cooperated with the company during closures, restructuring and redundancies. But where has this left the British workforce?

Where have all the teachers gone?

2 September 2015

Statistics quietly released at the end of August tell a devastating story: we are heading for a full-blown teacher supply crisis. For the third year running, ministerial recruitment targets fell woefully short.

Disbelief as BBC dumps Met Office

31 August 2015

The BBC’s decision to exclude the Met Office from tendering for its weather forecasts has been met with general incredulity from the forecasters’ union, Prospect.

